Box 1
Contains 6 Results:
Writings A-B
[Beatitudes]. Notes towards a book. Partly handwritten, partly typed "Bible Half Hour -- The Beatitudes". Transcription. 4 p. Broadcast June 22, 1978. [Bibliography]. On note cards. Partly handwritten, partly typed "Boston Friends and the Pastoral Ministry (1870-1926)". Typescript, photocopy, 24 p. n.d.
Writings M-N
"My Journey to Britain -- 1952". 20 p. George Arthur Selleck was delegate to F.W.C. "Notes for Ministry". Partly manuscript, partly typed.
Writings N-T
"Notes for Ministry". Partly manuscript, partly typed. "The Roots of Quaker Belief and Action in New England". 12 p. n.d.
Letter writers include: Hugh Doncaster, Elfrida V. Foulds and Roger Wilson Christmas letters from the Sellecks to Finland. 1950-1971 with some gaps. Also 1972 Christmas card. Letters of condolence on George Selleck's death in 1980, on his illness preceding, and a few on the occasion of his marriage to Daisy Newman.
Portrait of Benjamin Trueblood. Photos of Thomas Wood. (2). Photo of Selleck taken in Nantucket for the jacket of his book. Photographs of Nantucket. Packet of 16. Photographs primarily of family. Packet of 15.