Box 7
Contains 7 Results:
Patristic and Medieval church topics
Includes: Great monasteries; Greek Fathers (Constantine to Justinian); Christ-Stählin; Latin Bible; Apochrypha, etc: new; Schaff-Herzog; Apochrypha, etc: Jewish encyclopedia; Gospels (Tischendorf); (?) of Apostolic Fathers: bibliography; Apostolic Fathers, 2nd century: notes; Ante-Nicene Fathers: bibliography; Ante-Nicene Fathers, 200-325: notes; Hagiology; Monasticism, early; Great post-Nicene Fathers, 325-451: notes; Great post-Nicene Fathers, 325-451: bibliography
Patristic and Medieval topics (1 of 2)
Includes: Walahfrid Strabo; Johannes Scottus; Sedulius Scottus; Hrabanus Maurus; Hincmar; Notker Balbulus; Scholasticism; Classical heritage M.A.; Rand, Founders of M.A.; Dark Ages: general; Ireland: miscellaneous; Middle Ages: physiologus; Middle Ages: general; bibliography; Approaching darkness: 451-ca. 525; Alexander romance; Medieval monasticism; Patristic: general
Spain and its libraries (2 of 2), c. 1951
Includes the following: Notes on Valencia library; Notes on Escorial library; Notes on Sevilla, Colombina library
Patristic and Medieval topics (2 of 2)
Post-Classical (chiefly patristic): Latinity; Unterhaltungsliteratur und Prosadichtung; Middle Ages proper: general; bibliography; Patristic outline: outline of European Latin lit.; Christian story; forerunners of European Latin lit.; bibliography
Octavio de Toledo
Includes information notated as “Madrid, B[iblioteca]N[acional]” and photographs of texts relating to Octavio de Toledo
Syracuse Papers
Includes information on: “Barcelona,” manuscript essays on topic by DPL; letter from American Philological Society asking DPL to speak; text of speech by DPL on Ms and printed catalogues of Spain
Spain and its libraries (1 of 2)
Includes the following: “Spain, the Most Latin of Countries” by DPL. TMs, 2 states. Includes notes found with the manuscript; DPL notes on Spanish music; Notes on Spanish library holdings, including Octavio de Toledo; Notes on Madrid, Bibl[ioteca] Real; Notes on Madrid, B[iblioteca] N[acional]; Notes on Sevilla, Colombina library; Notes on Gerona, Granada and other libraries