Box 9
Contains 7 Results:
Correspondence – Not with University of Chicago Press, c 1950s
Reviews of Ugo Benzi
Here are not only actual published reviews, but also lists of other publications which carried reviews
Index of technical terms, c 1950s
Includes sets of lists of Ugo’s medical and anatomical words and phrases
These include a publication notice, report of sales, catalog offerings, dust jacket, Lockwood talk re announcement, agreement with the University of Chicago Press
Ugo Notes III
Each folder described below contains sub-folders of notes by DPL all related to his research process for Ugo Benzi. Includes: Consiglia (seen); Trattati; Books to identify or see; De Malitia complex Diversae; Extracts; De Balneis from CC, AV4 (Bertapaglia and Leonicenus in “Sources”)
Ugo Notes I
Each folder described below contains sub-folders of notes by DPL all related to his research process for Ugo Benzi. Includes: Search for manuscripts; Sources to locate; Miscellaneous problems; Editions; Miscellaneous
Ugo Notes II
Each folder described below contains sub-folders of notes by DPL all related to his research process for Ugo Benzi. Includes: Locations; Opp. Impressa (general); Commentaries (Avic. Hipp. Gal.) (general); Commentary in Hipp. Aph. cum Gal. Comm (seen); Comm. in Gal. Tegni (seen); Comm. in Avic. I, 102 (seen); Comm. in Avic. I, 4 (seen);“Max. Codex” (= Com. in Av. I. 4), (seen); Comm. in Avic. IV, 1 (seen)