Box 1
Contains 5 Results:
List of election-related events
The folder has one document that lists the election-related events that took place on and after election day at Haverford College. On the back is a brief list of some of the items that are included in this collection.
OMA/CPGC RE-ACT event transcript, 2016 September 30
This folder contains two identical packets that are the transcript from the Re(Act) meeting sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship on 9/30/16. The purpose of the event was to allow people to discuss their opinions and feelings about the election before election day. It lists the guiding questions discussed, the session notes, and the hopes and fears that people identified. Seventeen people attended this meeting.
Communications from administration, 2016 November
This folder contains two items. One is a letter from then president Kim Benston addressing the results of the election in relation to the country, Haverford as an institution, and its students. The other is a compiled document of emails that were sent to students on the days after the election. Many are communicating the resources that students can use to express their feelings about the election.
Make Sure You Vote Today banner, 2016 November 8
This folder contains a laminated poster that tells students about the Haverford vans that took students to the polls so they could vote.
Recount event materials, 2016 November 9
In this folder there are two posters for the Recount event that was meant to be a place to reflect on the election; some pictures and messages drawn by students during the Recount event; and poems, drawings, and reflections on brown paper about the election.