Box 9
Contains 17 Results:
22 Front St Purchase Correspondence and Documents, 2009, 2011
Contains drafts of a letter of intent to purchase units at 22 Front St., an article about condominums in Philadelphia, a floor plan of 22 Front St., drafts of an agreement of sale, a copy of the law regarding fair housing advertising, drafts of a residency agreement
Friends Foundation for the Aging Grant, 2011 - 2012
Contains copies of the "Interim Report on the Urban Community at Home Project" and "Request for funding support for the Friends Center City Urban Community at Home Project by Friends Center City for Friends Foundation for the Aging as well as a letter of agreement, information on reporting to the foundation
Legacy Grant report, 2012
Contains a report on Friends Center City activities supported by the Tyson Memorial Fund.
Friends Foundation for the Aging Grant, 2014 - 2018
Contains a proposal for FitC expansion in Center City, an application for funding for the second year of FitC Plus, an application for funding for the Commons Programming upgrade, and related emails.
FCCRC Planning/Marketing Documents, 2005 - 2006
Contains meeting minutes, related emails, a development proposal, a market analysis, newspapers, an FCCRC newsletter, and a copy of a confidentiality agreement.
FCCRC Initial Marketing and Planning Documents, 2005 - 2008
Contains a timeline, meeting minutes, committee reports, a preliminary market assessment from Third Age Inc., related emails, a request for proposals for architectural/engineering services, a proposed survey, and information on other retirement communities.
FCCRC Marketing Materials, 2009
Contains a copy of an eblast and a preliminary development plan.
Riverfront Project Marketing, 2009
Contains a marketing communications plan by New Life, related emails, a deposit agreement, a priority reservation agreement, a confidential data profile, information about FCCRC,
Walnut Towers-East Towers Parkaway Site, 2009
Contains a marketing packet for a new building.
FCCRC December 9th Open Houses, 2009 - 2010
Contains promotional materials for FCCRC Riverfront, attendance at open houses, related emails, copies of a presentation, floor plans, schedule of fees for residents, and meeting minutes.