Box 1
Contains 15 Results:
Correspondence with Individuals, undated
Sometimes a followup to a visit; other times from a FGC or BYM workshop, other times from reading one of the Friends Journal Articles. Group includes: Correspondence between Stan Becker and Ken Boulding, Lorraine Cleveland and the Iowa Yearly Meeting.
Correspondence with Quaker Organizations, 1983 - 1997
Includes letters to and from the Friends United Meeting (FUM), Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), Quaker Home Service and the Quaker United Nations Office.
Correspondence with Homewood Monthly Meeting, 1990 - 2003
Includes Traveling Letter of Introduction from Homewood as well as returning letters to Homewood from travels.
Catholic Correspondence, 1991 - 1995
Draft and official letter sent to Pope John Paul II in 1992. Also included are materials sent to the archdioses of Baltimore concerning the pope's upcoming visit. Responses from the Vatican are present along with Correspondence between others regarding the Catholic view on population concerns.
AFSC Correspondence, 1990 - 1998
Letters received by Becker and letters by Becker. Also includes excerpt from "Who Shall Live," a book published by the AFSC.
Letter to World Religious Groups, 1993 - 1994
Sent from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM).