Box 9
Contains 49 Results:
Exeter, H., 1838-05-08
Note: "To the Doorkeepers of the House of Lords."
ANS. "Admit the Bearer to the Gallery this day."
Faed, James, 1820-1902 (Engraver), 1855-11-26
Letter: Edinburgh, to Mr. Grundy, Liverpool
ALS. Explains that, after some delay, he is now sending along the portrait of Evangeline that he has been engraving for Mr. Keith.
Fanshawe, Robert, Captain, 1804-02-08
Letter: H.M.S. Carysfort, to Lucy Torriano, Wells, Somerset
ALS. Very brief note where the Fanshawe, commanding officer of Frederic Torriano [the recipient's son], "take[s] the opportunity of sending you a few lines to say that Frederic is quite well."
Fields, Annie, 1834-1915, bulk: 1889-02-26 - 1892-12-17
Letters: Boston, Mass., to Fred Holland Day, Esq., 1864-1933
3 ALsS. Thanks him for photographs and a book, and makes several references to John Keats.
Fields, Annie, bulk: 1889-01-12 - 1892-12-15
Letters: Boston, Mass., to Fred Holland Day, Esq., Boston, Mass.
4 ALsS. Short letters thank him for books sent (Wordsworth, Keats, Landor), for his "exquisite memorial sheets," and arrange for her portrait to be taken by Day.
Fields, Annie, n.y.-07-26 - 08-25
Letters: Manchester, to Fred Holland Day; to Mr. Burgess; n.y.-07-26 - 08-25
2 ALsS. Day letter thanks him for "your delightful note and the package." Note to Burgess is an invitation to come visit.
Finnie, John, 1829-1907 (Artist), n.d.
Letter: Tywyn near Conway, to "My Dear Grundy" ; n.d.
ALS. Mentions having read Grundy's "admirable article on the pictures, although I do not agree with you in your remarks on Holman Hunt." Also discusses the weather and the west coast of Anglesea.
Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893, 1839-09-09
Assignment of lease: New York, N.Y.
DS. Lease for plot of land in New York City. Fish, acting as attorney for Peter Gerard Stuyvesant, transfers the lease of a plot of Stuyvesant's land from Smith Ely to Caleb Barnett.
Fisher, Perrin, & Co., 1847-10-08
Invoice: London, to Henry Cohen, Philadelphia, Pa.
ADS. Invoice for goods shipped to Cohen, a dry goods importer.
Fitch, John, 1743-1798, 1787-03-14
Receipt: Philadelphia, Pa.
DS. At bottom of a draft signed by Benjamin W. Morris and countersigned by Dr. Benjamin Say, Fitch acknowledges receipt of "Twenty One Pounds Fifteen Shillings on Acc. Steam Boat."