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Announcements, events, and programs, 1971-1973 May

 File — Box: 47

Scope and Contents

Swarthmore Homecoming, Oct. 23, 1971; Series of Concerts by Paul Zukofsky and Gilbert Kalish, Spring Semester, 1971; Dept. of Music, Electronic Music Concert, Feb. 23, 1971; Department of Music: Revised Calendar of Musical Events (Sp. 1971) (3/7/71); English Dept. announcement of Poetry Contests, Short Story Contest, March 10, 1971; Swarthmore College Annual Rock Festival, April 12, 1971; Dept. of Music, Concert by Timother Eddy, Violoncello, April 13, 1971; Memo, April 15, 1971, to Faculty and Admin.from President Courtney Smith re Parents Day invitation, May 1, 1971; Memo from Vice Pres. Joseph Shane inviting Faculty and Admin. to Parents’ Day Tea May 1, 1971, and listing parents who will be attending; Posting: Welcome to Tarble (Student Center) Oct. 7, 1971; Dept. of Music, Robert Silverman, Piano, Franz Liszt and Robert Schumann, May 2, 1971; Annual Spring Concert of Choral Music, May 8, 1971; Cooper Foundation presents Group Motion, May 15, 16, 1971; On Campus September-October 1971; Series of Concerts by Paul Zukofsky and Gilbert Kalish, Fall Semester, 1972; James Cunningham and the Acme Dance Co., Oct. 22, 1971; Swarthmore College Calendar of Musical Events, February, March, 1971; Dance Performance, Dances We Dance, Betty Jones and Fritz Ludiin, Feb. 6, 1971; Modern Dance Concert, May 1, 1971; Dept. of Music, Paul Zukofsky, Violin concert, Oct. 4, 1971; Dept. of Music, Jasmes Freeman and Gilbert Kalish, Piano Music of Igor Stravinsky, Dec. 13, 1971; College Chorus, Music for Christmas – 1971, Dec. 11, 12, 1971; Dept. of Modern Languages presents movie (German), Aren’t We Wonderful? (1958), Oct. 5, 1971; Gospel Music Concert, Oct. 17, 1971; Dept. of Music, Concert, Dorothy Freeman, oboe, Joseph Rabbai, clarinet, Paul Zukofsky, violin, gilbert Kalish, piano, Oct. 15, 1971; Psychology Colloquium, Dr. Sigfried Streufert, “The Simulation of Social Problems,” Nov. 23, 1971; Dept. of Music, Two Concerts of Music for the Christmas Season, 12/5/71 and 12/11 and 12, 1971; Dept. of Music, Gilbert Kalish, piano, Bach the Goldberg Variations), Nov. 19, 1971; Dept. of Psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman, “Depression and Learned Helplessness,” Nov. 15, 1971; Dept. of Music, Paul Zukofsky, violin, in Program of Music for Solo Violin by Bach. Nov. 15, 1971; Black Studies Program, Professor Clyde Giles lecture.”Tides of Opporession and Creative Alternatives: the Role of the Black Vanguard,” Oct. 14, 1971; Dept. of Music, Concert Dorothy Freeman, oboe, James Freeman, double bass, Gilbert Kalish, piano, Oct. 25, 1971; Art exhibit in Wilcox Gallery, sculpture and glass by sculptor Karel Mikolas, Nov. 5 – 24, 1971; Dept. of Music, Concert – Fantazias and In Nomines by Henry Purcell, Dec. 6, 1971; Dept. of Psychology Colloloquium, Dr. Stanley Milgram, “TV and Anti-social Behavior: a Field Experiment,” Dec. 9, 1971; Series of Concerts by Paul Zukofsky and Gilbert Kalish, Spring Semester, 1972; Invitation to sing with chorus or play in orchestra for performance of Mozart Kyrie and Gloria from Grand Mass in C Minor, April 29, 1972; Faculty Lecture, Derek Traversi, “King Lear and the Nature of Man,” Feb. 3, 1972; Tentative Schedule of Musical Events – Spring, 1972; Dept. of Music, Jan DeGaetani, mezzo-soprano, in Concert, Jan. 13, 1972; Modern Dance Concert, April 22, 1972; Alumnae Day at Swarthmore, April 15, 1972; Arthur Hoyt Scott Garden and Horticulture Award presentation to May Theilgaard Watts, June 5, 1972; Series of Concerts on Sunday Afternoons by Paul Zukofsky and Gilbert Kalish, Fall Semester, 1972-1973; Dept. of Music, Robert Smart in a harpsichord Concert, Oct. 8, 1972; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium, Professor Bibb Latané, “Field Studies in Compliance and Helping,” Feb. 17, 1972; Chamber Music Weekend, March 3, 4, 1972; Judith Blegen (Soprano) in Concert, April 9, 1972; Dept. of Music, Jan DeGaetani, Mezzo-soprano, in Concert, April 17, 1972; Dept. of Music, The New Jersey Percussion Ensemble, April 21, 1972; Memo, April 14, 1972, to Faculty and Admin.from President Robert Cross re Parents Day invitation, April 29, 1972; Memo from Vice Pres. Kendall Landis inviting Faculty and Admin. to Parents’ Day Tea Apr. 29, 1972, and listing parents who will be attending; Final Edition for Parents’ Day, Sat. April 29, 1972, finalized schedule; Final Edition for Parents’ Day, Sat. April 28, 1972, finalized schedule; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium, Dr. Richard Ashmore, “Perceived Threat in Black-White Relations,” May 2, 1972; Faculty Lecture Schedule Fall, 1972; Dept. of Music, Timother Eddy, cello, Paul Zukofsky, violin, and Gilbert Kalish, piano Program of Felix Mendelssohn and Johannes Brahms, Sept. 24, 1972; Modern Dance – Yuriko amd Dance Company – events, Oct. 11, 12, 13, 1972; Yuriko and Dance Company in Performance, Oct. 12, 1972; Announcement of performance of King Lear by the National Shakespeare Company, Oct. 4, 1972; Dept. of Psychology Colloloquium, Dr. Allen Schneider, “The Aging of Memory: a Matter of Seconds,” Sept. 27, 1972;, “TV and Anti-social Behavior: a Field Experiment,” Dec. 9, 1971; Prof. J. M. Moore, ASEE, presentation “Individualization in Educational Technology,” Oct. 18 and Oct. 20. 1972; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium, Dr. Jeri Levy, “The Two Brains of Adam,” Oct. 20, 1972;Dept. of Music, Palma Toscani, Soprano, Martha Massena, Piano – Choral program, Oct. 28, 1972; Concert of Electronic Music, Oct. 29, 1972; Friends of Art- sponsored, Sir Kenneth Clark’s art film, “Pioneers of Modern Painting,” Nov. 8, 1972; Exhibition at Wilcox Gallery, Kael Mikolas, Nov. 6 – 24, 1972; Dept. of Philosophy, Lecture y Professor Mihailo Markovic, “The Nature of Dioalectics and the Possibility of a Dialectics of Nature,” Nov. 7, 1972; Art Dept., the Benjamin West Lecture, “Bernini’s Chapel of Saint Theresa in Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome,” by Irving Lavin, Nov. 12, 1972; Dept. of Music, Organ Concert, William Gatens, Organist, Nov. 12, 1972; Art Dept. Lecture by Ian Lowe, “Drawings in the Ashmolean,” Nov. 19, 1972; Dept. of Music, Leslie Guinn, Baritone, Gilbert Kalish, Piano, Songs by Robert Schumann, Nov. 19, 1972; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium, Dr. Barry Schwartz, “Beneath Freedom and Disnity: Some Problems with the Empirical Foundations of Skinnerian Behaviorism,” Dec. 1, 1972; On Campus at Swarthmore, Dec., 1972; Announcement from Dept. of Music and Swarthmore College Theater re joint performance of Music for Christmas by Chorus and The Play of Daniel, 12/13/72; Swarthmore CCollege Orchestra, Schubert, Stravinsky, Honneger, Dec. 3, 1972; College Chorus, Music for Christmas – 1972, Dec. 9, 1972; Dept. of Art, lecture by Harriet Shorr Baguskas, “Issues in Contemporary Painting,” Dec. 10, 1972; Dept. of Music, Voice and Violin program, with Jan de Gaetani, Soprano, James Freeman, Harpsichord, Edward Klein, cello, Paul Zukofsky, violin, Dec. 10, 1972; The Zukofsky/Kalish Concerts: a six-year report (1966-1972); Series of Concerts by Paul Zukofsky and Gilbert Kalish, Spring Semester, 1973; On campus at Swarthmore, January, 1973; Student Show at Wilcox Gallery, Exhibit of Course work done in Studio Arts Program, Jan. 11-25, 1973; Dept. of Music, Timothy Eddy, cello and Gilbert Kalish, piano, in program of works for cello and piano, Jan. 14, 1973; Dan Wagoner and Dancers Modern Dance Residency, concerts feb.2 and Feb.3; On Campus at Swarthmore, Feb. 1973; Dept. of Music Klaus Heitz, cello, Three Suites for Cello Solo, Feb. 4, 1973; Danee Lecture-Recitals, Dr. Nadia Chilkovsky Nahumck, “The Two Worlds of Dance: Reality ahd Illusion,” Feb. 8, 1973; Dept. of Music Concert, Jan DeGaetani, Mezzo Soprano, John Wion, Flute and Piccolo, Arthur Bloom, Clarinet, Timothy Eddy, Cello, Paul Zukofsky, Violin, and Gilbert Kalish, Piano, Feb. 11, 1973; Depts. of Art and Engineering, Lecture by Buckminster Fuller, “Fuller on Problem Solving,” Feb. 16, 1973; College Chorus, Pamela Gore, Contralto, Feb. 18, 1973; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium, Darwyn Linder, “Experience and Change: An Assessment of the Outward Bound Courses, Feb. 25, 1973; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium, Dean Peabody, “Margaret Mead or Archie Bunker? National Stereotypes and National Character in Europe,: March 7, 1973; Lecture – Demonstration Alwin Nikolais Dance Theatre Company, March 19, 1973; On Campus at Swarthmore, March, 1973; Poster Nikolas Exhibit at Wilcox Gallery – opening March 24, 1973; Dept. of Music, Revised Schedule of Musical Events – Spring Semester 1973; Dept. of Modern Languages Lecture, Victor Brombert, “Three Poets of Parisian Hell: Balzac, Hugo, Baudelaire,” March 29, 1973; Dept. of Classics Lecture, Progessor Gregory Nagy, “The Valor of the Homeric Hero,” March 29, 1973; On Campus at Swarthmore, April, 1973; Series of Sunday Afternoon Concerts by Paul Zukofsky and Gilbert Kalish, Spring Semester, 1973; Cooper Foundation presents Murray Pertahia, Pianist in Concert April 1, l973; Swarthmore College Orchestra, James Freeman, conductor, Marita Abner, soloist in concert April 8, 1973; Dept. of Music, Tom MacKnight, Harpichordist Program, April 8, 1973; Dept. of Modern Languages Lecture, Kurt Weinberg, “Paul Valéry’s ‘Faust’ and ‘Lust’: a liturgical comedy on the theme of the cogito ergo sum,” April 12, 1973; Program Alumnae Day at Swarthmore, April 14, 1973; Parents Day, April 28, 1973; Memo to the Swarthmore College Community: Change of time on one of the programs for Parents’ Day Sat. April 28, 1973; Memo from Vice Pres. Kendall Landis inviting Faculty and Admin. to Parents’ Day Tea Apr. 28, 1973, and listing parents who will be attending; Dept. of Psychology Colloquium Professor Robert Kleck, “SStigma: Implications of Physical Appearance for Social Interaction,” April 20, 1973; Dance Lecture-Recital, Dr. Nadia Chilkovsky, “Dance Tradition and Innovation,” Apriil 27, 1973; Modern Dance Concert, April 28, 1973; College Chorus, A Concert for Parents’ Day, Ralph Vaughan Williams, In Windsor Forest, April 28, 1973; On Campus at Swarthmore, May – August 1973; College Chorus and Orchestra Spring Concert, May 5, 1973.; Wilcox Gallery announcement of Students' Choice: Ceramics May/Jun 1973; Fall sports schedules 1972; Invitation to Homecoming Day, 1972 September 1; Invitation to Alumni College, 1972 September 1


  • Creation: 1971-1973 May

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