Announcements, events, and programs, 1978 January – August
Scope and Contents
Clipping from Swarthmore College Bulletin Jan. 1978 – article regarding College Library celebration of its tenth anniversary; On Campus at Swarthmore January, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 1/9-1/21/1978; Cooper Foundation presents the Tokyo String Quartet, Jan 14, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 1/20-1/29/1978; Exhibition at Wilcox Gallery, Roger Tibbetts, Paintings and Drawings 1/21 – 2/12/1978; Program, faculty play, “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” Jan. 27, 28, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 1/27-2/5/78; Dept. of Music, Tentative Schedule of Musical Events, Spring Semester, 1978; Swarthmore Chamber Orchestra with Bruce Coppock, cello, Shellie Wilensky Camp, soprano, and Gilbert Kallish, piano in concert, Jan. 29, 1978; On Campus at Swarthmore February, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 2/3-2/12/1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 2/10-2/19/1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 2/17-2/26/1978; Dept. of Music, with Joan Panetti, piano and Donald Currier, piano in concert Feb. 19, 1978; Swarthmore Chamber Orchestra with Arvin Keenzee, baritone, David Fisher, cello in concert Feb. 24, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 2/24-3/12/1978; Dept. of Music with Robert Smart, organ, assisted by Philip Kloeckner ’81, organ, in concert Feb. 26, 1978; University of Pennsylvania, Penn Contemporary Players in concert 3/12/1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 3/12-3/26/1978; Invitation to celebration commemorating the 10th Anniversary in new quarters in McCabe Library of Friends Historical Library and Swarthmore College Peace Collection, March 16, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 3/17-3/26/1978; Swarthmore College Chorus and Chamber Orchestra present Bach’s Passion of St. John, March 19, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 3/24-4/2/1978; Program for Darma Board performance, “Guys and Dolls,” March 23, 24, 1978; Barbara Devin, piano, Jan Baty, violin, Scott Temple, French horn in recital, March 31, 1978; President’s Office, invitation to Parents’ Day, April 15, 1978; Dept of PE for Women, 1978 Schedule for Varsity and Jr. Varsity Lacrosse, Softball, and Touornament Tennis; Swarthmore College Calendar, 3/31 – 4/9/1978; On Campus at Swarthmore April, 1978; Shakespeare’s Flowers by Anne Ophelia Dowden, Arpil 19, 1978; Poster Part I of the 1978 Helen Magill Lecture Series on the Higher Education of Women, “Learned Women of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, April1 & 2, 1978; Piano recital, Lillian Thomas Brooke Phillips, April 2, 1978; Dept. of Music and Swarthmore College Dancers, Program for "in dark," April 8, 1978; Drama, Music, Dance, and Studio Arts – Somerville Day, April 8, 1978; Dept of Music presents A Student Chamber Music Concert, April 9, 1978; Swarthmore College Orchestra, A Children’s Concert, April 14, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 4/4-4/16/1978; President’s Office Invitation to parents to attend Parents’ Day, April 14, 15, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 4/14-4/23/1978; President’s Office announcement, invitation to the All-Colleger Forum, presenting Professor Charles Franke, “The Humanities and the Future of the Liberal Arts,’ April 20, 1978; Swarthmore College Orchestra in concert April 15, 1978; Musical program, A Celebration of Voices and Feet, April 16, 1978; Swarthmore College Calendar, April 21, 1978; Dept. of Music presents Judy Berry ’77, soprano and Joseph Church ’78, piano, April 22, 1978; David Gard ’78, piano, Recital, April 23, 1978; University of Pennsylvania, Penn Contemporary Players in concert 4/231978; Swarthmore College Calendar, 4/28-5/22/1978; On Campus at Swarthmore May-August, 1978; PHI BETA KAPPA 83RD ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING AND INITIATION CEREMONY, MAY 21, 1978; The Penguin presents Commencement Night Party, live music with “Corduroy Road” Dancing at Tarble, May 22, 1978;
- Creation: 1978 January – August
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