Box 3
Contains 14 Results:
Journal, 1966
Various notes and writing exercises in spiral notebook 1/8 full.
Journal 1990 and past, 1990
Includes events that brought me to 1990, the rest notes on present life. Spiral notebook 1/3 full.
Journal for Europe trip, 1969
Our trip to the West, Europe in 1969, Birds Eye view, The Bloods trip around the world. Full spiral notebook.
Memoir writing prep, 1996
Vignettes, snippets, details, specifics in a full spiral notebook
Writing Group, 1997
Note on it: Use these to write about me and my family. Good start here. Type upon computer and print. (~2/3 full) 1997, nd. Handwritten vignettes and notes.
Notes on Writing, n.d.
Folder originally labeled Writing Group. Various writing ideas and other authored articles, also handwritten notes for writing.
Writings, 1986-1992
Vignettes and journaling, Margaret
Notes and letters, 1967-1997
Previously titled: My Letters and notes. Writing notes and letters sent, Margaret.
Notes and quotes, 1973-1997
Quotes, notes, letters to pass on or to use in Memoirs: poems written by Bob and Margaret, other authored writings
Poems and notes, n.d.
Photocopy. Various poems and quotes (other authors)