Box 107
Contains 17 Results:
Swarthmore Overlaps/SwatOverlaps, 2009-2014
"Cultural and political intersections of the Swarthmore community and beyond." Vol 1, #1; Vol. 2, #1; Vol. 4, #4; Vol. 5, #1; Vol. 7 #1; Vol.8 #1; Vol. 9 #1.
Swarthmore Review, 2013-2014
Published by the Swarthmore Phoenix. Vol. 1: #1; April 2013; #2; May 2013. Vol. 2: #1, Sept. 2013; #2 Nov. 2013; #3 Mar. 2014; #4 May 2014
Swarthmore Review, 2014-2016
Published by the Swarthmore Phoenix. Vol 3, #1 Oct.2014, #2 Dec. 2014, #3 March 2015, #4 April 2015. Vol. 4, #1 Sept. 2015, #2 Nov. 2015, #3 March 2016
Swarthmore Voices, 1961
An Anthology of Student Writing," Published for the Swarthmore Arts Festival, 1961
The Swarthmorean, 1915
Vol. 1: Feb., April, June. This is a student publication, not the same as an earlier Town-Gown periodical (SG1) or the Borough newspaper.
The Tokyo Cup, 1912
A Musical Comedy in Two Acts," 4/20/1912; copies also in RG6/Skits
The Unicorn Star, 1981, 2011
A science fiction and fantasy fanzine produced by the Swarthmore Warders of Imaginative Literature (SWIL): Vol. 3, #1, Winter 1981; April 2011
Unsungs, 1971
A literary magazine. Issue 2, Spring 1971