Box 8
Contains 8 Results:
Academic Freedom:, 1969-1976
Reference articles on academic freedom, Swarthmore disciplinary procedures
Admission Reports and Statistics, 1973-1976
Files on Swarthmore Admissions, with areas of interest including minority acceptance, female engineers, SAT scores
Affirmative Action, 1973 – 1974
Correspondence to and from Friend regarding the potential implementation of a federal affirmative-action quota system. Friend has assembled a collection of papers on equal employment at Swarthmore and Title IX.
Alumni Fund, 1975-1977
Minutes From Alumni Fund Meetings, Provost Reports, Correspondence on alumni fundraising, campus map
Alumni Weekend, 1978
Correspondence from and to alums regarding reunion, schedule of events, alumni information. Includes letter from alum Lloyd Craighill petitioning Swarthmore to join the Associated Kyoto Program
Auden Collection, 1966-1974
Correspondence on Auden memorial stone at Westminster Abbey, Auden Memorial Fund, Auden collection
Aydelotte, Frank Correspondence, 1970-1977
Letters regarding biography of Frank Aydelotte, former Swarthmore president; Correspondence about Aydelotte Swarthmore President Robert Cross (1970-1977)
Bartol Foundation, 1941-1978
Correspondence regarding the move of the Bartol Foundation of the Franklin Institute from Swarthmore, including letters discussing tensions between the college and the foundation