Box 1
Contains 14 Results:
Letters from Weaver, 1947 2mo 21-1948 4mo 10
Some English, some German. To Kluth family, Bergas family, and Eddie Ginsburg.
Log of mailings to Europe, 1946 1mo 29-1948 11mo 23
In original order. Includes contents of packages, dates sent (usually), sending receipts, and cost of products.
Letters from the Bergas Family, 1946 1mo 13-1946 12mo 25
Letters from the Bergas family, German refugees living in Montauban, France. All are originals, in German or French; some are translated.
Letters from the Bergas family, 1947 1mo 23-1948 12mo 5
All originals, not translated.
Correspondence with Bergas family, etc., 1946-1947 6mo 8
Removed from binder.
Hans Bergas’ memoir (partial), n.d.
Incomplete sections, typed in German and English.
Buchenwald Experience of Hans Bergas Written for Chester High School Students 1914-1946, 1946
Complete memoir, typed in English with corrections written in in pen. Includes hand-drawn map, labeled in English.
Manuscript of Hans Bergas’ memoir, 1946
Hand-written in German.
Enlarged map of Buchenwald, 1946
Hand-copied. On large piece of cardboard, labeled in English.
Letters from Hertha Parish, 1946 7mo 7-1946 8mo 1
Only record of correspondence with this person, two letters. One letter in German, one partially in English, partially in German.