Box 3
Contains 26 Results:
[Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Discipline Manuscript], 1719
Note on inside back cover: “Henry Reynolds his Book in the year of our lord 1761”
[Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Discipline Manuscript], 1719
Note on last page: “The aforesaid was wrote and compared by me this 5th day of the 3 mo 1767 John Ferris”
[Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Discipline Manuscript], 1719
Label on first page: “Isaac Norris Handwriting by exchange Milton Miller 570 Fifth Ave NY 1-30-1926 0.2140”
[Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Discipline Manuscript], 1719
On last page: "Copied Sam. Preston"
[Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Discipline Manuscript], 1719-1759
On last page: "Israel Pemberton C.l.k."
[Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Discipline Manuscript], 1719-1796
Note wedged between pg. 26 and 27: “3/87 Found at bottom of box loose _”
The Book of Discipline (as reviewed by the Yearly Meeting for Pennsylvania and New Jersey), 1719-1765
On inside front cover: “Benj. Ferris son of Ziba Given him by his Sister Deborah Ferris about the year 1798.” Below that: “Gift of Matilda Ferris 2-2-1926” Brief 4-page history of the Ferris family spanning several generations, dating 3mo 1812 Note on last page addressed “To my Children”
Book of Discipline, 1719-1762
Copy and index to copy made by John Hooton Note in index: “Given to F.H.A. by Mrs. Samuel S. Haine Moorestown N.J. ack by Lydia F. Gummere May 14 - 1935” On inside cover of index: “Book of Discipline John Hooton copied, 1761/2”
The Book of Discipline Philadelphia (Manuscript), 1719-1762
Inside front cover: “Gift of New York Yearly Meeting 1934 Includes: 1762 - Flushing Y.M. minute of approval adoption of 1719 discipline (pg. 59) n.d. – Extracts from London Y.M. Book of Discipline relating to removals of settlements (p. 60)
Book of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting belonging to the Monthly Meeting of Chesterfield New Jersey, 1719-1756
Includes 1747 summary of “rules” and 1756 Queries