Box 14
Contains 43 Results:
"Substance of Conference between Quakers in Philadelphia and leaders of the Six Nations (Haudenosaunee)", 1756 4mo 19
Original deposited in Quaker Collection, Haverford College. Gift of Janet Olshevsky, 2004
Conference of Friends with the Red Indians, Philadelphia, 1756 4mo 19-5mo 31
Reporting a conference held in the house of Israel Pemberton between Friends and several Chiefs of the Six Nations, with the Governor’s message to the Susquehannock and their answer delivered in Philadelphia. Also, a second copy with slight differences in text and omitting the Governor’s message and the Susquehannocks' response. Found in the papers of Samuel R. Fisher.
Brown, W. to a friend. Eastown, 1757 8mo 2
From Friends House, London, describing Easton treaty of the French and Indian/Seven Year's War.
Some account… of… the behavior and sentiments of a number of well-disposed Indians mostly of the Minusing-tribe, 1760
The title refers to the Minisink People (Delaware/Lenape). Made from the notes taken by John Woolman at `Philadelphia in 1760. The original is in the Pemberton Letters, Penn[sylvania] Historical Society. Extract about Tedyuscung from the Moral Almanac, published by Friends for the year 1840, and a verse about Papoonahoal appended. Gift of Friends Historical Association
Fry, John, Suttonberger. to Fry, Joseph. Apothecary, Bristol., 1760-01-02 (?)
Extending a warm invitation to attend Quarterly Meeting as well as monthly and general meetings in the vicinity of Bristol.
Indenture between Charles Turner and James Dilworth, William Seal, for land in Birmingham Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania for use of a school, 1756
Original in Chester County Historical Society. Gift of Dorothy Lapp, 1978.
Foulke, Samuel, A collection of some Scripture texts, 1756 2mo 10
"…recommended in Brotherly Love to ye consideration of Friends in Pennsylvania, especially those who appear dissatisfied with the late act of Assembly made for granting a sum of money to ye King’s use…to preserve and maintain the unity, peace and reputation of our Religious Society."
Champion, Richard to Ellis, Margaret. Bristol, [England], 1756 3mo 17
With mention of her recent trip and of the war. Purchased from Mark Benner, 1981.
Carnes, Joseph to Massachusetts Bay, province of, 1756 8mo 7
Bill for copying public documents, including Address to the Governor relative to the French Neutrals and Bill to compel Quakers to pay their proportion of the Expedition (French Neutrals – Acadian exiles). Gift of Albert A. Merritt, 1911.
Wilson, Christopher and Hunt, John to Friends, Philadelphia, 1756 11mo 4
Concerning Friends in the Assembly. From Newcastle Coll[ege]. British Museum, London