Box 21
Contains 44 Results:
Arnold, S. R. (New Bedford, MA) to Rotch, Thomas (Kendal, OH), 1822 7mo 24
Details turmoil in the meeting, family and Friends visits. Gift of Christopher Densmore, 2011-035.
Gillingham, A. to Longstreth, Susan. Westtown, Pa., 1822 9mo 23
Concerning Westtown School
Gates, Theophilis R. (Philadelphia) to Spalding, Lyman A. (Canandaigua, NY), 1822 10mo 10
Concerning subscriptions for The Reformer and Plain Truth. Gates (1787-1846) later became known for his free love colony in Chester Co. Pa. Spalding was a New York State merchant and abolitionist.
Moore, Robert et al. Letter and certificate, Philadelphia, 1822 12mo 21
Stephenson, Isaac (Long Island and NYC) to Stephenson, Hannah (Stockton-on-Tees), 1823 -1824
Letters to his wife, 1823 9 mo 15 and 1824 4 mo 6, which describe conditions in New York and Long Island meetings. Stephenson (1765-1830) was a recorded English minister who visited the U.S. for two years. He married Hannah Masterman in 1798. Also an A.L. from Norman Penney, enclosing letters as a gift of Friends Historical Society, London, to NYYM. Gift of New York Yearly Meeting, 1997.
Worrell family letters, 1823 - 1831
[Stackhouse, Grace (Comfort)] to My dear children, 1/18/1823; Worrell, Thomas, et al. to Thomas Worrell, Jr., 11/14/1830; Worrell, Thomas, et al. to Worrell, Thomas Worrell, Jr., 1/27/1831. Also some genealogical notes on the Worrell family in the handwriting of Emma Worrell, written on the 1823 letter.
Morris, Lewis. Will., Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1823 3mo 8
Includes probate of Will dated 6-2-1823 and letter testamentary 6-27-1823. Gift of Mary W. Dickinson, 1975
Bettle, Samuel to Bettle, Jane. Philadelphia, 1823 3mo 25
Purchase, 1983
Labarre, F.V. to Farquhar, Charles. Burlington, 1823 3mo 29 and 1823 3 mo. 31
With letter of Aaron, Samuel to Farquhar, Charles, Burlington, N. J., 1823 3mo 31. Includes mathematical reasoning equations