Box 24
Contains 59 Results:
Marriott, Charles to Mott, John, 1834 12 mo 19
Copy of a letter from Charles Marriott (1784-1846) expressing his devotion to the cause of abolition. Disowned by New York MM in 1841 for his activities. Gift of Christopher Densmore, 2012.018.
Smith, George to James, F[rancis]. Harrisburg, 1835 2mo 9
Transferred from RG5/Howard M. Jenkins Papers
Coffin, Joshua to Little, Josiah. Philadelphia, 1835 12mo 2
Recounting a meeting on his way from the post office
Vaux, Roberts to Biddle, Thomas. Philadelphia, 1835 12mo 20
Concerning his nomination to be member of the committee going to New York
Papers relating to Gurney-Wilburite Controversy., 1836-1853
1836 Account of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Ms; 1853 11mo 6, Extract from Meeting for Sufferings, London, Ms; 1853 12mo, Wilbur, John to "Dear Friend," L copy. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Manuscripts, deposited 1975
Smith , Joseph to Fry, Francis. London, 1836 1mo 28
Lancaster, Joseph to Butler, Benjamin F., 1836 3mo 25
Purchase, 1965
Koll, Daniel and Julia. Removal certificate to Baltimore Monthly Meeting, 1836 3mo 6
Original certicate in German, signed by Johann Rasche, clerk, Pyrmont Monthly Meeting, Prussia. Certificate and note addressed to Nicholas Popplein, Baltimore, and includes an English translation with a note from Popplein that the Kolls settled in the area of Falls Monthly Meeting (Primitive), and their certificate was endorsed to that meeting. Gift of Virginia Metzger, Acc. 2001.006
Heacock, John and Chris A. to Heacock, Jesse, 1836 4mo 3
Gift of Emma Shaw, 1929