Box 24
Contains 59 Results:
Mott, Richard (Harrison, [N.Y.]) to Cooledge, Daniel (New York)., 1837 1mo 30
Concerns a revision by Abigail Mott on the issue of slavery for A catechism explanatory of some of the principles and precepts of the Christian religion : Designed for ... the youthful members of the Society of Friends. published by D. and G. F. Cooledge, 1837.
Includes a reference to the concept of reparations for enslaved people.
Wharton. William. Extracts from the minutes of the Convention of August 1790, 1837 3mo 8
Concerning a memorial presented by the Society of Friends to the Convention in Philadelphia regarding the article in the Constitution proposing payment as equivalent for personal military service. Also result of the vote taken on whether to reconsider this section.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to the Convention to assemble at Harrisburg in the fifth month next, 1837 4mo 10-15
A memorial stating the Peace Testimony of the Society of Friends and objecting to the section in the Constitution which provided for the payment of money in lieu of personal military services.
Garrigues, D. M. to Rodman, Lydia. Philadelphia, 1837 4mo 22
With mention of recent Women’s Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, probably Orthodox.
[Platt], James Augustus to Platt, James, 1837 8mo 16
Also: Letter from Augustus to Elizabeth, 6mo 12 1870. Gift of Clarence S. Platt, 1969
Thomas, Mary H. (Macedon, NY) to Field, Phebe (Cayuga Co., NY), 1843 3 mo 26
"Dear Grandmother," describes the illness and recovery of Louisa, her only surviving child. Also, notes the visits of the Millerites with their "absurd" predictions. Mary Howland married John J. Thomas in 1838, and they were members of Scipio Monthly Meeting. Gift of Christopher Densmore, 2011-035.
Richardson, H[?], Philadelphia, to Pike, Rebecca, Burlington, 1835-02-22
letter to her cousin
Hallowell, James L., to Hallowell, Caleb S., Alexandria., 1835-10-04
"Dear Brother," with regards to family