Box 35
Contains 54 Results:
Abington Monthly Meeting burial certificate for Thomas Thomson, Lots 91 and 92, 1908 10mo 31
Penney, Norman to Taber, Daniel S., London, England, 1902 7mo 1
Regarding the acquisition of a Mary Pennington manuscript by the Library of the Society of Friends (London).
Jay, Eli. Some information about Quarterly and Monthly Meetings in Indiana Yearly Meeting...before the year 1829, 1899
Descriptions of meeting records extant in 1899. Additional notes by Clarkson Butterworth. Original in possession of Thomas C. Hill in 1984
Tatum, Lawrie. History of Springdale, Iowa, settlement and meetings and some incidents, etc., 1899
Gift of Willard Heiss, 1972. Original in library of William Penn College, Iowa.
Cadbury, George to Newman, Sir George. Bourneville near Birmingham, 1899 3mo 10 - 1911 10mo 09
Lean, William Scarnell. Resignation and readmission to the Society of Friends., 1899 4mo - -1907 9mo 02
1) To Brighouse Monthly Meeting, Yorkshire. Resignation with explanation. Leeds, 4mo 1899.. 2) To Mr. Perowne, Resignation from Anglican Church with explanation. Edgbaston, 5mo 24, 1907.. 3) To Warwickshire Monthly Meeting Application for readmission into Society of Friends, with explanation. Edgbaston, 9mo 2, 1907. (Readmission to membership granted and to station of acknowledged minister.)
Bigland, Percy to Hull, Hannah Clothier. Chelsea, 1899 8mo 3
Concerning his painting, “The Quaker Wedding”
Oakley, Violet to (Bartram, Frank M.?). Philadelphia, 19_ _ 11mo 23
Invitation. Gift of Mary Bartram
Hastings, Ann Elizabeth to Clothier, Isaac H., circa 1900
Written at the age of 105. Hastings resided in West Chester, Pennsylvania, until her death about the year 1905. Presented by Lydia Clothier Maxwell, 1939.
Hallowell, Anna, 1831-1905. Autobiographic Notes.`, 1900 2mo
Dictated to Miss Frothingham. Enclosures: Letter, undated, Susan M. Hallowell to Richmond P. Miller, referring to her sister's (Anna’s) kindergarten. Gift of Alice L. Miller, 1973