Box 6
Contains 13 Results:
Katherine Hunn Karsner to Lydia Hunn Williamson, 1953, 1956
Travel postcards to her sister
Joseph Karsner to Katherine Hunn Karsner, 1957
Postcards and letters sent during his trip to Ireland and England
Alffaretta Rucker to Katherine Karsner, 1957 - 1969
A friend of Mary Ann and Ted (?) who lived in Oregon
Norma Jacob, AFSC, to Katherine Karsner, 1960-11-17
Youth Secretary of the AFSC, New York Office. She had visited the Keglers in Alaska. Katherine was working for the AFSC in Philadelphia
Charles Kegler letters , 1962 - 1974
Letters to his grandparents and Aunt Polly (Lydia Hunn Williamson)
Edward and Katherine (Kittie) Kegler letters, 1968 - 1975
Letters to grandparents and Aunt Polly (Lydia Hunn Williamson)
Correspondence with University of Alaska, 1963
Concerning the Karsners attending Mary Ann's graduation
Correspondence with Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting , 1971, 1973
Joe Karsner's resignation as an Overseer, 1971. 1973 concernsMary Ann's request for membership for her three children
Traveling minutes for Katherine and Joseph Karsner, 1952-1954, 1956-1957
The Karsners were recorded Traveling Friends and visited yearly meetings in the United States and Canada
Traveling minutes for Katherine and Joseph Karsner, 1962 - 1966
The Karsners were recorded Traveling Friends and visited yearly meeting in the United States, Canada, England and Ireland. In 1965, Joseph represented Friend World Committee at Canada Yearly Meeting.