Box 7
Contains 9 Results:
Lydia Hunn Williamson, diaries, 1963, 1965-1968, datebook 1967
Daily entries with some gaps. In January 1968 Lydia moved from her long-time home in Rutledge and temporarily stayed with the Karsners. In March she was in nursing care Friends Home, West Chester, Pa. and in April she moved to Friends Home in Kennett. Her sister Katherine provided help, and she and other Friends provided transportatoin for her to attend different Quaker Meetings.
Joseph Karsner, rough notes, trip diary, 1953, 1957, undated
1953 fragments of visits to Quaker meeting. 1957, notes on t Trip to England and Europe, visiting Quaker meetings
Katherine Hunn Karsner, trip journal, 1952
Letters to her sister and carbon copies. She visited Pacific Yearly Meeting and Western Canada. She mentioned that her husband, Joe Karsner, was speaking at Friends Conference for National Legislation, etc.
Katherine Hunn Karsner, trip journals,, 1953, 1956
Manuscript original and typed carbons. Trip to California to attend Friends Fellowship Conference and to visit Quaker meetings. Followed by travel from Seattle to Fairbanks to visit Mary Ann and family.
Katherine Hunn Karsner, trip journals, 1956
Visited eastern Canada meetings, presenting AFSC reports. Then train to Seattle and flew to Fairbanks to visit the family in Alaska
Published Poems of Katherine Hunn Karsner, 1910 - 1985
Her poems were published in Quaker periodicals including Scattered Seeds, The Friend, Friends Journal. Typed copies, rRemoved from small loose-leaf binder.
Short stories by Katherine Hunn Karsner, Undated
Typed and edited. Possibly submitted for publication. Also an anecdote written and submitted by Lydia Williamson to Reader's Digest, 1948.
"If I Had a Son" by Katherine Hunn Karsner
Undated poem expressing pride and pleasure, with delight in how different and brave her daughter was from herself, more like her husband.
Farewell to Aunt Polly, 1968
Typed carbon of a loving poem written when Lydia Hunn Williamson sold her house in Morton. The home had served as a refuge for many family and friends including sister Katherine and nephew Ben Keller.