Box 32
Contains 13 Results:
History of the Organization and Proceedings of the First Convention of the College Association of Pennsylvania., 1887
Magill proposed the organization, served as vice president 1887-1888, and is often quoted in this booklet.
French bulletin, Union pour l’Action morale., 1894
No apparent contributions from Magill, but he spent several years in France.
Typed biography, written while he was writing his autobiography, Sixty-five Years in the Life of a Teacher, 1905
Edward Hicks Magill, A.M., LL.D, article in The Phonographic Magazine. The article expands on the typescript and describes his interest in phonography.
Press notices, 1907
Press notices of his marriage to Sarah E. Gardner in 1901 and press notices and letters concerning his autobiography on Sixty-Five Years.
Draft of constitution for the Swarthmore Union for Social Service, to meet in Swarthmore Hall, n.d.
Mission was social service of all types and serve as a forum for discussion on wide-ranging topics.
Published articles, March 8, 1882.
Writings and speeches, 1903
Magill manuscripts concerning Swarthmore College. Includes history of Swarthmore College written for the Halcyon, 1903, with a note explaining Magill’s relationship to the Jacksons of Darby; Some Reminiscences of the Founders of Swarthmore College; typed history of Swarthmore College, mss for the Lewis Publishing Co., N.Y.; Testimony concerning Thomas H. Hall at Swarthmore meeting
Writings and speeches
Magill manuscripts concerning Swarthmore College: Address on the Graduates of Swarthmore of the first twenty classes; Swarthmore and Swarthmorians of the Early Days; two letters to the editor of Friends Intelligencer concerning College
Writings and speeches, 1886, 1893
Talks: When Men were Sold, the Underground Railroad in Bucks Co., an address before the Bucks Co. Historical Society, 1893; The Electric Telephone, given before the Scientific Society of Swarthmore, 1886;