Box 34
Contains 6 Results:
Lecture Notes, 1902
Augustin Eugene Scribe- 1791-1861- Gabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest- Milfrid- Legouve- 1807- Bataille de Dames- 1851- Les doights de fie 1858, Pierre Corneille 1606-1684 Cinna 1640- Pompee- 1643-4, Lecture XXII 1902, Fenelon- La Vie et Les Ecritures 1651-1715
Lecture Notes, 1901
No. 1- (1901-02) Lectures in French Lit., No. 2- (1901-02) The Four First Great French Chroniclers, No. 3 (1901-02) Christine de Pisan, No. 4 (1901-02) Margaret of Navarre
Lecture Notes, 1901-1902
No. 5- (1901-02) The Salms and Society of the 17th Century, No. 6- (1901-1902) The French Academy 1634-37, No. 7- (1901-02), Pierre Corneille, No. 8- (1902-03) Corneille’s Master Piece: The Cid, No. 9- (1902-03) Two Successes of Corneille
Lecture Notes, 1902
No. 10- (1902-1903), No. 11- (1902-03) La Fontaine and Moliere, No. 12- (1902-03) The Misanthrope
Lecture Notes, 1901-1902
No. 14- (1901-02 and 1902-03), No. 17- (1901-02 and 1902-03) The Life and Writings of Fenelon & one photograph of Sarah Warner Magill (removed to General Photo. file- Portraits, Magill), No. 18 in 1901-02 and 1902-03)
Lecture Notes, 1902
Lecture XXI: Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1772-1778