Box 1
Contains 55 Results:
Dillwyn Parrish to Charles S. Ogden, 1866, 2 mo 23
ALS referring to an accompanying letter which he is glad to provide, possibly from his father who died in 1840.
Richard Price to Charles S. Ogden, n.d.
ALS offering financial advice regarding Ogden's creditors. Carte de visit glued to letter.
George F. White to Richards Price, 1844, 5 mo 8
ALS expresses the awkwardness with some members in the Society of Friends, created by his staying at the Prices' home in Philadelphia
Mary A. Smith to Harriet Ogden, 1851, 12 mo 13
ALS. Remembers fondly the times they worshipped together at Green Street, but chides her for not visiting more often.
Deborah F. Wharton to Caroline Perot, 1874, 1 mo 25
ALS, letter of sympathy. Clippings on her life.
Lydia Longstreth to John M. Ogden, 1875, 6 mo 18
Signed postcard committing $40 towards the brick meeting house at Fair Hill in hopes that there soon will be a meeting held there.
Carolena M. Wood to Marie Francke, 1936
Thank you note when hospitalized for Francke's get well message from the worship meeting. Clippings regarding her death, note from Henry Haydock concerning the funeral service where Rufus Jones spoke
Duck Creek Monthly Meeting papers, 1790-1824
Including original certificates of transfer and testimonies, printed epistle from London Yearly Meeting (1824)
Henry Drinker and William Savery to Herman Updegraff and Ruth Kirk, 1790, 10 mo 18
ALS concerning the estate and survivors of Elisha Kirk
To the Men Elders of Green Street Monthly Meeting, n.d.
ALS from members of Green Street Monthly Meeting advising against the preaching of Thomas William Stuckey (d. 1888). According to his obituary in Friends Intelligencer, he was a former English Baptist who requested membership in the Society of Friends, but was rejected.