Series B: International Files [by country], 1922-1974
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Series B contains the major part of the records of Sayre's work for peace around the world. He became Chairman of the International F.O.R. in 1935 and continued in that capacity until 1955. In 1946 he resigned as Co-Secretary of the F.O.R.-USA to become its International Secretary. In addition to the extensive correspondence with peace leaders, these files contain materials about the national groups affiliated with the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.), including their "basis" statements, meeting minutes and reports. The correspondence with International Fellowship of Reconciliation (I.F.O.R.) General Secretaries, Regional and Traveling Secretaries, and other leaders is found under their respective countries. Consequently the files for the following are especially large: Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria and Uruguay. The basic arrangement is alphabetical by countries and continents. The names conform to usage during Sayre's time; for example, Ceylon, Congo, Great Britain and Rhodesia. Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Panama Canal Zone are included. The arrangement under the name of a country depends partly on the quantity of material. In most cases there is only a small amount of miscellaneous, placed in a single folder with the inclusive dates. For the rest the following order is used:
- First, general/miscellaneous material, by date
- Second, F.O.R. records
- Third, correspondence (A-Z) with individuals and groups; topical material
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