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Periodicals in notebook entitled: "Stobsiade Zeitung des Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen-Lagers Stobs in Schottland, under der zugehœrigen Arbeitslager"

 File — Box: DG 032: 3

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Stobsiade was known under various titles:

  1. Stobsiade Zeitung des Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen-Lagers Stobs in Schottland, under der zugehœrigen Arbeitslager [Stobsiade Periodical of the German Prisoner of War Camp, Stobs in Scotland, and the Adjacent Work Camp (Associated Work Camps?)]
  2. Stobsiade: Stobser Zeitung [Stobsiade: the Stob Journal]
  3. Stobsiade: Halbmonatsschrift des deutschen Gefangenen-Lagers Stobs, Schottl. [Stobsiade: Semi-monthly Paper of the German Prisoner-of-War Camp of Stob, Scotland]
  4. Stobsiade: Zeitung des deutshen Kriegsgefangenen-Lagers Stobs in Schottland [Stobsiade: Journal of the German Prisoner-of-War Camp of Stob, Scotland]

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