Box 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Contains 13 Results:
Memos from women at International Congress of Women (The Hague, April 28 - May 01, 1915) re: proposed conference of netural nations, 1915
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Flier by the British Committee of the International Women's Committee, 1915
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Scope and Contents
folder added July 2019
"The Prayer of the Nations" by Julia Grace Wales, undated
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Scope and Contents
in 4 languages
Maison Internationale, Geneva, Switzerland: 1919-1939 guest-book (photocopy); 3 postcards with image of building, 1919-1939
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Pamphlet "A new peace: report of the International Conference of Women at the Hague, 7 to 9 December 1922", 1922
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Scope and Contents
pamphlet has been catalogued
Addresses/speeches "Economic Aspects of a New International Order" by Marguerite Dumont and Emily Greene Balch at 1924 International Congress, 1924
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Visit to Philadelphia by 25 foreign delegates (to 1924 International Congress); list of U.S. delegates (to 1924 International Congress?), 1924
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Jane Addams' note to Walter Page (04/25/1915), and hand-written note (1925), 1915, 1925
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Alice Thatcher Post's passports (1925, 1929); ship passenger lists (1915, 1919); writings, 1915, 1919, 1925, 1929
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
Scope and Contents
see also 1915 International Congress of Women at the Hague for Post's working copies of documents
1915, 1919, 1925, 1929
Delegate tickets of Mildred Scott Olmsted to 1929 and 1937 International Congresses; invitation received during 1970-1971 International Congress, 1929, 1937, 1970-1971
File — Box: 1 (Part II) [on-site]
1929, 1937, 1970-1971