Box DG 047: Series A: 22
Contains 15 Results:
[index for M-N missing], 1950
National Council of Churches, Walter Van Kirk, UNICEF, draft extension, Churchmen's Seminar, 1950
O-P, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: Frank Ortloff, C.O. frozen fund, disarmament, Vicktor Paschkis, Society for Social Responsibility in Science, civil liberties, H-bomb, U.S.-Soviet relations, German war orphans, Western Yearly Meeting, Mid-Century Conference for Peace, United Nations, world government, Charles Price
R, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: Germany, relief to China, Robert Root, Morris Rubin, food distribution, effort to get Senators to reverse over-reliance on military (one week before outbreak of Korean War, May 24th dinner for Eleanor Roosevelt, United Nations
S, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: Richmond Conference, Willis Satterthwaite, Korea, arming Arab States, peace fund, UMT, Campaign to Prevent World War III, draft extension, atomic weapons control, Latvian displaced persons, alcohol advertising, food distribution, Indian crippled children, refugees, Quaker economists, Annalee Stewart, National Peace Conference, current legislation
Selective Service Extension, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: State Department, Genocide Convention, foreign aid, Den Rusk
Swomley, John, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: UMT, draft, disarmament, Fellowship of Reconciliation, National Council Against Conscription
T, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: Quaker peace testimony, Detroit Conference on Peace and War, Larry Gara case, Roger Baldwin ("no Negro instructors on Ohio State faculty"), ROTC, conscientious objectors, worldwide literacy, Frank Laubach
U-V, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: Willard Uphaus, Mid-Century Conference for Peace, agricultural seminar, Robert Vogel, naturalization of people who refused to bear arms, Floyd Vorhis (later spent 14 winters as FCNL volunteer)
W, 1950
Correspondents/subjects include: United World Federation, atom bomb chronology, UMT, Korea, Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, high school seminars, declaration of national emergency, Larry Gara case, conscription legislation, Hoover Commission, Norman Whitney