Box DG 047: Series A: 48
Contains 8 Results:
Press releases, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: world disarmament / ending arms race
R, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: world court, Senator Paul Douglas, Constance Randall, exchange of newsmen with China, letter to Eleanor Roosevelt on her 75th birthday, Milo Rose's resignation from FCNL General Committee "over the question of Red China"
S, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: Sarah Swan's testimony re: legislation on return of confiscated German and Japanese property, grant for Earlham College Project in Kenya, Julius Sobon's letter to President Eisenhower, Soviet Union, Anne Stadler, Emlen Stokes, visit of M.P. Philip Noel-Baker, Seminar for Quaker Businessmen (June 12-15, 1959), Oliver Stone
U, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: E. Raymond Wilson's "Morality in International Affairs" given at Union of American Hebrew Congregations assembly, World Refugee Year, United World Federalists
V, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: W.V. Vitarelli's security risk case (Supreme Court decided in his favor
W, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: Harold Walker, surplus food distribution, food stamps, E. Paul Weaver, UMT, Indiana Council of Churches, World University for Peace, Friends Medical Society, George Willoughby (CCCO's annual report), Robert Wixoms ("prolonged correspondence re: racial situation in Arkansas, including attempts of the Attorney General of Arkansas to smash the NAACP; this case is a good example of how high feelings on race run in Arkansas")
L, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: Samuel Levering, Chuck Harker See also box 47
M, 1959
Correspondents/subjects include: Jean Malin, distribution of food to Americans, Lafayette March, Frances Neely, war debt, meeting on disarmament (Dec. 18, 1959), Mrs. James Marshall, Duane Moore, Agricultural Seminar, Irving Morrissett See also box 47