Box DG 047: Series A: 54
Contains 164 Results:
Curtis Crawford, Campaign for World Disarmament, 1961
Panel Discussion: “Is Pacifism the Way to Peace?”, 1961
Includes EFS. At Asbury Methodist Church in Arnold, Maryland on March 26.
California Area Office Relationships: Stuart Innerst regarding Turn Toward Peace, 1961
California Area Office Relationships: Stuart Innerst letter to Keith Sarver (superintendent of California Yearly Meeting), 1961
Regarding relations and difficulties with the FCL and the FCNL. Keith Sarver writes, “There are very few of us who want to be associated with Pacific Yearly Meeting in any way, shape, or form.”
Committee for Nonviolent Action: Proposal for mass sit-down in front of the AEC headquarters at Germantown, Maryland, 1961
“President Kennedy said at a press conference on November 8th that the US must resume nuclear testing in the atmosphere should the evaluation of the Soviet tests show that the present American lead is threatened.”
Committee for Nonviolent Action: A.J. Muste letter to President Kennedy, 1961
Request to receive the Moscow Walkers for Peace at the White House while in Washington on May 13th and 14th. Those who believe in nonviolent action “try to speak simply and directly as human beings to other human beings confronted with the grave problems and perils of our time.”
Faster Walk for Peace March, 1961
Fourteen to protest the Polaris Submarine and call for total disarmament.
Committee for Nonviolent Action: Edward Snyder hopes to attend Chicago Conference on February 8-12, 1961
List of participants.