Box DG 047: Series A: 54
Contains 164 Results:
R.B. Jameson questions Congressman Frank T. Bow on policies around the military, disarmament, and foreign policy, 1961
Topics include the draft, the “hush-hush” on proceedings of a military nature, disarmament, equalization of domestic and foreign trade, lack of effective use of the United Nations, and excessive burden of our present taxation methods.
R. Vance MacDowell to President Kennedy, 1961
“Do not stoop to the low level to which Russia’s leaders have sunk in their resumption of nuclear tests…Men of force have no other trade than war.”
Off the record interview with George S. McGovern (Administration of Food for Peace Program) by interfaith delegation, January 13, 1961
7 page report.
Joan Kain (ICA) from E. Raymond Wilson, 1961
Quoting Alice Freeman Palmer, “Put your life into people; these touch other people, and those others still; and so you go on living forever.” Also the story of Dr. Martha Elliott and the Russians. “Mountains may never come together but men can.”
McGeorge Bundy to Adelaid Baker – test ban treaty, 1961
Vincent V. McRae on behalf of Jerome Wiesner, 1961
The White House to Frances Neely, 1961
Thanks for the article from the San Francisco Chronicle and opinions on civil defense.
Arthur Schlesinger to [illegible], 1961
Thanks for the San Francisco Chronicle article. Also, Marc Raskin.
Ralph Dungan (White House) to Edward F. Snyder, 1961
Thanks for the letter prior to the President’s address at the United Nations and sending the President’s address.
EFS letter to President Kennedy, September 14, 1961
“Grave concern over the present trend of international events…We appeal to you in the strongest possible terms to take steps now to reverse this deadly speed.”