Box DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Contains 11 Results:
FOR Youth Committee
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Mustard Seed (for high school students)
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Manuscripts and correspondence
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Ecumenical Student Conference on Christian World Mission, 1963
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
European Peace Seminar: Youth section, 1963
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
National Student Assembly, YMCalifornia and YWCalifornia, 1962
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly, 1961
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Program ideas
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Student Christian Movement in New England
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32
Student Peace Union: general material
File — Box: DG 013: Section II: Series E: 32