Drawer Mapcase 2: Drawer 6
Contains 219 Results:
Peace News. The Weekly Peace Newspaper. Christmas Extras While Europe Starves. 2D. (Peace News) (Great Britain), 1945
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1248
Scope and Contents
printed by Fish and Cook Ltd.
Peace News. The Weekly Peace Newspaper. Liberate Mankind from War. (Peace News) (Great Britain), circa 1945
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1249
Scope and Contents
printed by Fish and Cook Ltd.
circa 1945
The weekly peace newspaper. End conscription now. Peace News. 3D. Every Friday. (Peace News) (Great Britain), circa 1945-1946
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1251
circa 1945-1946
The weekly peace newspaper. For the facts behind the news, read Peace News. 4D. Every Friday. (Peace News) (Great Britain), circa 1945-1946
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1252
Scope and Contents
printed by Fish and Cook Ltd.
circa 1945-1946
Buy Peace News. The organ of the Peace Pledge Union founded by Dick Sheppard. Obtainable from newsagents. Price 2D weekly. (Peace News) (Great Britain), circa 1945-1946
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1253
circa 1945-1946
Peace News. The weekly peace newspaper. Winning the peace? To finish the job. Disarm and Demob. 2D. (Peace News) (Great Britain), 1947
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1254
The weekly peace newspaper. World welfare will prevent world war. Read the facts in Peace News. 4D. Every Friday. (Peace News) (Great Britain), circa 1945-1949
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1255
Scope and Contents
printed by Fish and Cook Ltd.
circa 1945-1949
To seek peace in the new age - read Peace News. Edited by John Middleton Murry.... 2D. (Peace News Ltd.) (Great Britain), 1946
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 9
Identifier: 1250
The real horror is not that we may be bombed but that we should ever think of using the bomb on anyone else, Kathleen Lonsdale, FRS (London, England), undated
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 5
Identifier: 1178
See that your "M.P." Means Peace! (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 6
Identifier: 1194
Scope and Contents
printed by Winstanley and Watkins Ltd., Birkenhead
circa 1930s-1950s