Drawer Mapcase 2: Drawer 6
Contains 219 Results:
See that your "M.P." Means Peace! Make sure that your candidate will work for world disarmament (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 6
Identifier: 1195
circa 1930s-1950s
War is always wrong because the Spirit of Christ cannot live in company with the spirit of hatred (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 7
Identifier: 1218
circa 1930s-1950s
Build friendships not warships for national defence (Friends House, London, England), circa 1940s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1042
circa 1940s-1950s
The Christ of the Andes. An actual symbol of peace between two nations. The hope of peace for all the world. (London, England), circa 1930s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1046
circa 1930s-1950s
"And on earth - Peace" It is in the spirit of Christ that we must fashion history (Great Britain), 1950
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1030
Conscription must go if peace is to come (Great Britain), 1946
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1055
Rearmament will not bring security. Mutual understanding and disarmament can alone secure peace. (Great Britain), circa 1951
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 5
Identifier: 1180
circa 1951
War is not an unpreventable catastrophe - it is a sin against God and man (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 7
Identifier: 1219
circa 1930s-1950s
"If we go on turning ploughshares into swords how can we expect a harvest of peace?" - T. Edmund Harvey, M.P. (Great Britain), 1938
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 3
Identifier: 1105
Have you given life to your son that he may kill the sons of other mothers? MOTHERS! (Great Britain), 1939
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 3
Identifier: 1094
Scope and Contents
Artist: Giele Roelofs