Drawer Mapcase 2: Drawer 6
Contains 219 Results:
Dick Sheppard's Question: Can you kill men in the name of him who died for men? What is your answer? (Rawdon, England), circa 1930-1950
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 3
Identifier: 1060
circa 1930-1950
Nations must trust in right not might. Christian faith demands total disarmament. (Rawdon, England), circa 1940s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 4
Identifier: 1125
circa 1940s-1950s
Think! What you are doing to ensure the success of the World Disarmament Conference? (Rawdon, England), circa 1932
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 6
Identifier: 1206
circa 1932
In 1914 the enormous growth of armaments in Europe, the sense of insecurity and fear caused by them, it was these that made war inevitable. Viscount Grey, Foreign Secretary, 1914. Have our statesmen learnt nothing? (Rawdon, England), circa 1940s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 3
Identifier: 1108
circa 1940s-1950s
Working for Peace? Then are you seeking to understand - and to remove - the causes of world unrest? There can be no peace until there is justice between nations and within nations. (Rawdon, England), circa 1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 8
Identifier: 1238
circa 1940s
Working for Peace? Then make it clear you wish our country to share in any sacrifices that may be necessary to secure it, relying on the spirit of justice and not on armed force. Tell you MP to further your wishes and get others to do the same or to join with you. (Rawdon, England), circa 1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 8
Identifier: 1239
circa 1940s
Working for peace? Then our foreign policy should be such that we can willingly offer what might in justice be demanded. States do not become bellicose unless they are labouring under some injustice or some grievance. (Rawdon, England), circa 1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 8
Identifier: 1240
circa 1940s
Military sanctions mean bayonets bombs poison gas - then can they be Christian? Economic sanctions, if they include a blockade, mean starvation. Is that Christian either? (Rawdon, England), circa 1940s-1950s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 4
Identifier: 1123
circa 1940s-1950s
Don't let the tattoo deceive you. There is no glittering pageantry in war. (Rawdon, England), circa 1930-1950
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 2
Identifier: 1072
circa 1930-1950
All the nations of the world, for realistic as well as spiritual reasons, must come to the abandonment of the use of force (York, England), 1957
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 6, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1031