Drawer Mapcase 2: Drawer 7
Contains 96 Results:
There's never a wrong time for doing the right thing. Negotiate Now. (Great Britain), circa 1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1276
circa 1940s
The Time for Argument is Past (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 3
Identifier: 1277
circa 1930s-1940s
To-day an armed truce. Tomorrow real peace through pacifism. Issued by Peace Pledge Union. (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1278
circa 1930s-1940s
To-day an armed truce. Tomorrow real peace through pacifism. Unite with the Fellowship of Reconciliation. (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1279
circa 1930s-1940s
War is not playing the game (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1281
circa 1930s-1940s
War must be renounced as well as denounced (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1283
circa 1930s-1940s
War prevention is the only cure. Join the Peace Pledge Union. (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1284
circa 1930s-1940s
Wars will cease when men refuse to fight. Published by the Peace Pledge Union, whose members are pledged to "renounce war and never support or sanction another." (Great Britain), circa 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1285
circa 1930s-1940s
War will cease when men refuse to fight. What are you going to do about it? (Great Britain), 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1286
Who wants war? Nobody! Then help to abolish it by joining the Peace Pledge Union. War- we say No. (Great Britain), 1930s-1940s
File — drawer: Mapcase 2: Drawer 7, Folder: 1
Identifier: 1288