Box Photos DG063 box 1
Contains 12 Results:
Portraits of Homer A. Jack, circa 1955
Homer A. Jack. Photos by J.D. Toloff Studio
Homer Jack, Pope John Paul II, circa 1978-1993
Homer A. Jack with Pope John Paul II. Copyright: L'Osservatore Romano Cittia del Vaticano, Servizio Fotografico
Homer Jack, undated
Homer Jack in a meeting. The setting and other participants are not identified.
Homer A. Jack speaking at U.N., circa 1982
Homer A. Jack speaking at the United Nations
Homer A. Jack and Greeley, Dana McLean, circa 1964
Homer A. Jack with Dana McLean Greeley. Photo by JET Commercial Photographers
Homer Jack outdoors, undated
Homer Jack, outdoors, looking at hillside of wildflowers
Dr. Homer Jack, undated
Dr. Homer Jack with two unidentified people
Bishop John Wesley Lord, Undated
Bishop John Wesley Lord
Parents of Homer A. Jack, circa 1900-1910
Parents of Homer A. Jack. Front row, fifth from left: Alex Jack. Front row, 6th from left: Cecelia Davis Jack. circa 1900-1910, Rochester, NY. Acc no. 93A-6. Negatives available. You may encounter outdated and potentially offensive imagery (especially relating to race) within these historical documents. We acknowledge that some of these images may be triggering or off-putting to our audience, and we apologize for any offense or discomfort that you may experience.
Alexander Dubček, circa 1969
Dubcek, Alexander. Czech leader, circa 1969