Trustees of Baltimore Yearly Meeting
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Biographical / Historical
From the 2021 Manual of Procedure:
"The Yearly Meeting appoints generally nine (but no fewer than four) Trustees in accordance with its corporate charter. Each Trustee shall be a member of a constituent Monthly Meeting. There are at present nine Trustees: the current Presiding Clerk and Treasurer of the Yearly Meeting plus seven persons nominated by the Nominating Committee and appointed by the Yearly Meeting to serve for terms of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for a second three-year term. A Trustee’s term begins at the close of the Yearly Meeting or Interim Meeting Session at which they are appointed and ends at the close of the Annual Session during which their term ends. Normally one of these seven is from each Quarterly Meeting within the Yearly Meeting. The Trustees may not co-opt additional members. The Trustees are the body authorized to act as the governing body of the Yearly Meeting with respect to legal matters. Either the Clerk of Trustees or Treasurer signs for the Yearly Meeting on forms, such as tax returns, to be filed with governmental entities. Trustees are responsible for obtaining and holding the title to real property owned by the Yearly Meeting, such as burying grounds and camps. Trustees arrange for investing the funds of the Yearly Meeting and, following the policy outlined in Faith and Practice, 1988, Appendix I, 3, Trustees ensure restricted funds are managed in accordance with intentions of the original donors. The Trustees arrange for a certified public accountant to audit the Yearly Meeting’s books and records in accordance with Yearly Meeting policy, and receive and review the auditor’s report (currently, an audit is done annually). To accomplish this, the Trustees meet at least annually and report annually to the Yearly Meeting."
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