QM/B/MM. Constituent Monthly, Preparative, and Quarterly meetings
Found in 102 Collections and/or Records:
York Monthly Meeting (1952- ) Records
Records of the second York Monthly Meeting of Friends and its independent predecessor, 1914-2022. Includes minutes 1932-2022, membership, 1914, and miscellaneous, 1923-1992.
Roanoke Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Roanoke Monthly Meeting, 1989-1999. Includes men's minutes 1989-1995, and miscellaneous 1991-1999.
South Fork Preparative Meeting Records
Records of South Fork Preparative Meeting, 1807-26. Includes minutes, 1807-26.
South River Monthly Meeting Records
Records of South River Monthly Meeting, 1757-1848. Includes men's minutes 1757-1839, women's minutes 1763-1842, and vital records 1757-1848.
Upper Quarterly Meeting Records
Records of Upper Quarterly Meeting, 1786-1816, 1837-1843. Includes women's minutes 1786-1816, 1837-1843.
Gettysburg Monthly Meeting Records
The Gettysburg Monthly Meeting collection consists of digital minutes of the monthly meeting for business, compiled by the clerk into one combined file for each year, 2015-2021, plus some digital minutes deposited by BYM for 2011-2012 along with some reports sent to the Yearly meeting. Digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.
Midlothian Friends Meeting Records
Electronic meeting records of Midlothian Friends Meeting, 2010-2020. Records include minutes of meeting for business and state of the meeting report, plus some newsletter and member information.
Special minutes, including those related to BYM finances, climate change, and religious freedom, are also included but are not all dated.
Buckhannon Friends Meeting Records
Digital records for Buckhannon Monthly Meeting, 2011-2020.
Fauquier Friends Worship Group Records
Digital records for Fauquier Friends Worship Group include Spiritual State of the Meeting reports to Baltimore Yearly Meeting (2015-2019), and occasional minutes (2016-2020).
Abingdon Friends Meeting Records
Digital records for Abingdon Friends Meeting, 2010-2017.