Schuylkill Monthly, Preparative, and Indulged Meetings Records (including Charlestown Meeting)
Collection — Othertype SW/Ph/S300
Identifier: QM-Ph-S300
Schuylkill Monthly Meeting newsletters, 2004-2020
Digital Record
Identifier: 510119
Schuylkill Monthly Meeting video interviews, 2015
Digital Record
Identifier: 509833
Found in:
Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
- Schuylkill Monthly, Preparative, and Indulged Meetings Records (including Charlestown Meeting) / Property Records / Video interview with Rudy Rosenberger re 1999 Meeting House renovations (digital), 2015
- Schuylkill Monthly, Preparative, and Indulged Meetings Records (including Charlestown Meeting) / Miscellaneous / Video interview with Mary Jane Moulton about Schuylkill Friends history (digital), 2015