Box 28
Contains 17 Results:
"1827 3"
7/1827 - 12/1827, while teaching at Tunesassa: urging Senecas to have former students teach; schools poorly attended; temporary suspension of the school for girls
"1827 4"
12/1827 - 8/1828, while teaching at Tunesassa: issue of establishing school at Jimerstown taught by former pupil (either Jos. or Maris Peirce); contains letter to Maris on why he should not go among whites, recounting what has happened to those who have done so; internal strife among Senecas, parties
"1836 Minutes"
9/1836, minutes taken on a visit to Tunesassa
11/1858, visit to Tunesassa with Ebenezer Worth and T. Valentine
5/1862, visit to Tunesassa
Note: Summary note on contents by "M.G."
Letterbooks, 1816-1827
"Joseph Elkinton's Book", 1816-1819: while teaching at Tunesassa
Letters, 1819-1826: While teaching at Tunesassa, some written in shorthand
Letterbooks, 1813-1831
3 volumes of letterbooks:
1813-1827: contains copies of letters among different hands
"Letter Book 4 mo. 12th 1818": 1818-1822, contains copies of letters to the Indian Committee
1825-1831: Tunesassa Records, contains copies of letters to the Indian Committee