Box Series 6-24
Contains 10 Results:
Draft/Sanctuary: Miscellaneous records, 1940 - 1990
Civil Rights: Miscellaneous, 1960 - 1990
Quaker Burial Ground: History, about 1800-1995
Quaker Burial Ground: Miscellaneous records, circa 1980s-1990s
Same-Sex Marriage: Related Minutes, 1981 - 1997
Same-Sex Marriage: Terminology of Commitment and Marriage, 1997 - 2000
This folder is largely related to the concern of whether same-gender unions be called "marriages" (the term that was used for opposite-gender unions) or "unions" or "commitments." Records include correspondence, minutes and drafts, legal advice, FMW procedures, and letters to the DC Marriage Bureau.
Same-Sex Marriage: Miscellaneous records, circa 1980s-1990s
Tenants: Quaker House apartment [2121 Decatur Place NW], circa 1980s-2000s
Tenants: School for Friends, 1993 - 2010
School for Friends, a Quaker preschool with connections to Friends Meeting Washington, operated out of space owned by the Meeting until their 2010 relocation. The folder is primarily disputes between the Meeting and the School about their relationship and facility and financial responsiblities.
Tenants: Washington Child Development Council, 1993 - 2000
The Washington Child Development Council rented space in Quaker House (owned by Friends Meeting Washington) beginning in 1979. This folder primarily documents building concerns and conflicts over space rental, ending with several formal quit notices from the Meeting.