Box By-10
Contains 5 Results:
Committee Minutes, 1993 - 1999
File — Box: By-10
Identifier: RG2/By/6.59-6.60
Inclusive minutes on marriage, 1987 - 1998
File — Box: By-10
Identifier: RG2/By/6.61
Scope and Contents
Includes the history of "Inclusive Minutes on Marriage" prepared in 1990 by Bruce Grimes for Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns (FLGC) along with other records on inclusive marriage in Yearly Meetings produced by FLGC. Also includes minutes on marriage compiled by the BYM Ad Hoc Committee for monthly meetings within BYM.
1987 - 1998
"Love Makes a Family" workshop materials, 1993
File — Box: By-10
Identifier: RG2/By/6.62
"Minutes and Other Actions on Same Gender Marriage" [2nd edition], 2004
File — Box: By-10
Scope and Contents
The Ad Hoc Committee (previously the Ad Hoc Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns) began collecting minutes from constituent meetings in the early 1990s. This second edition of the packet excerpts minutes and newsletters from BYM and its constituent Monthly and Quarterly meetings on the subject of gay / same-gender / gender-diverse civil rights.
Informational packet related to Friends United Meeting, 2004
File — Box: By-10
Identifier: RG2/By
Scope and Contents
Baltimore Yearly Meeting is affiliated with Friends United Meeting. At FUM's 2002 Triennial, BYM's then-Presiding Clerrk, Lamar Matthew, was invited and then removed from leading a worship-sharing workshop because he lived with his same-gender partner. FUM additionally implemented a personnel policy for its staff and volunteers that was homophobic (formally, it barred anyone in a same-gender relationship) which led BYM into a multi-year corporate discernment. This packet is an...