Box By-24
Contains 10 Results:
Friends World Conference (Oxford) Sea Chest records, 1952
Articles of Incorporation, 1995
Original and draft amendments for the consolidated Articles of Incorporation fo Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run [Hicksite] and Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox).
Notes on Friends Schools, 1995 - 1997
Minutes from a 1995 gathering on "Starting Friends Schools in BYM" and a 1997 Friends School Survey Report produced by Sandy Springs Friends School.
Quaker Leadership Institute, 1991 - 1996
Quarterly Meetings: Role, Function, and Composition, 1995
Records of a discussion to "consider the role of Quarterly Meetings" and how they do or could serve the needs of BYM and its members.
United Society of Friends Women records, 1974 - 1997
Charter and minutes, 1976 - 1986
Clerk's File, 1978 - 1993
Files of the Corresponding Clerk are primarily related to the finances of Virginia Friends Conference (acknowledgement and contribution letters, treasurer's reports) but also include plannin records of the annual retreats, and substantive discussions of the challenges and future plans for Virginia Friends Conference. Files maintain the Corresponding Clerk's original chronological arrangement.
Virginia Friends Conference News [newsletter], 1980 - 1988
War Tax Resistance and IRS Levy, 1989 - 1997
Background, BYM decisions, and IRS letters related to a tax levy administered against BYM for its General Secretary's longtime war tax resistance.