Showing Collections: 1401 - 1410 of 5317
“Some Notes on Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Extracted by Jacob R. Elfreth of Landsdowne, Penna. From his Diary”
This collection is comprised of the single volume manuscript of Jacob R. Elfreth’s notes on Philadelphia Yearly meeting, as well as correspondence related to the manuscript.
Jacob R. Elfreth Jr. diaries
Jacob R. Elfreth Sr. diaries
Jacob R. Elfreth Sr. was a teacher and a bookkeeper for the Leigh Navigation Company. The majority of entries detail family news, Quaker meetings, Elfreth's work with the Leigh Navigation Company, and births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community,
Elizabeth Baker Propaganda Collected Records
Includes periodicals, booklets, and pamphlets.
Elk Horn Valley Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Elk Horn Valley Monthly Meeting, 1908-1926. Includes minutes 1908-1924, vital records 1908-1923, 1925-1926, and miscellaneous 1921-1924.
Elk Ridge Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Elk Ridge Preparative Meeting, 1795-1827. Includes men's minutes 1795-1800, vital records 1795-1800, and miscellaneous 1825-27.
David Cope Elkinton photograph album
This photograph album follows David Cope Elkinton's junior year abroad as he travelled with a group of friends through pre-WWII Europe and the Mediterranean. The album covers the years 1934 and 1935, though the album is non-chronological and omits large periods of time.