Showing Collections: 1821 - 1830 of 5316
Haydock Garrigues daybooks
This collection consists of two daybooks of Haydock Garrigues, a Quaker.
Samuel Garrigues commonplace book
The commonplace book of Samuel Garrigues includes extracts of minutes by Thomas Brown, Quaker testimonies, memorandum of Thomas Brown's last illness, and an Account of Ann Parrish. The volume also contains copies of letters written by Samuel Fothergill, Frances Dodshon, Thomas Lloyd, and Samuel Neale.
Gasport Woman's Christian Temperance Union records
This small collection contains the minutes of the Gasport branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1912-1927, and financial records, 1927-1967. While the group was non-sectarian, many of its members belonged to Hartland (Gasport) Monthly Meeting.
Gathered Leaves: Miscellaneous Papers from New York Yearly Meeting
The bulk of the collection is epistles, sorted roughly by topic. William Wood, the Clerk of New York Yearly Meeting who arranged the collection, was particularly interested in the issues of slavery, welfare of freedmen and Native Americans, and peace testimony, and religious education. Also included are correspondence, Quaker documents, and miscellaneous papers. Correspondents include Moses Brown, William Rickman, John Pemberton.
Charles Edward Gause papers
This collection is comprised mostly of journals that Charles Edward Gause wrote, including during travels with friends. There are also some letters.
Robert M. Gavin, Jr., presidential papers
Gay People's Alliance records
Robert Heydon Gayner Papers
Chiefly family papers of tye Gayner family, Quakers, of Sunderland, England. Especially includes John Gayner (1824-1911), and his brother, Robert Heydon Gayner (1831-1916). Topics include family affairs, various Quaker interests, including the religious welfare of sailors and evening schools for young men, American Civil War, and trips to Europe and Egypt.
Gene Knudsen Hoffman papers
Gene Sharp Papers
personal papers