Showing Collections: 1991 - 2000 of 5316
Gwynedd Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Gwynedd Preparative Meeting, 1784-1974, as follows: Hicksite and United men’s minutes, 1798-1974; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1827-1852; Hicksite women's minutes, 1798-1892; minutes and other papers of Gwynedd First Day School, 1881-1936; account books and other financial records, 1784-1910; property records, 1807-1808; account books of Gwynedd Friends' School trustees, 1822-1892.
Isaac Hacker diaries
Isaac Hacker was a Quaker school administrator in Salem, Massachusetts. His diary entries describe the weather, attendance at Quaker Meetings, social calls from friends and family, and births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community.
Haddon-Estaugh-Hopkins papers
Letters and documents relating chiefly to John Haddon, Quaker and anchor maker of England, to his purchases of land in New Jersey, and the founding and establishing of Haddonfield, New Jersey by Elizabeth, his daughter, who came to the colony in 1701, "to take up her father's land," and who married John Estaugh, a young Quaker preacher, in 1702.
Haddonfield Friends School records
Haddonfield Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Haddonfield Monthly Meeting and of its predecessors, the Hicksite, Orthodox, and pre-Separation meetings. Included are minutes of the men's meeting and later, of joint sessions with women, 1828-1952 (Hicksite); women's minutes, 1828-1903 (Hicksite); vital records, 1755-1944 (Hicksite); ministers and elders' minutes, 1828-1913 (Hicksite); minutes of the Committee of Ministry and Counsel, 1913-1938 (Hicksite); miscellaneous papers, 1828-1930 (Hicksite).
Haddonfield Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Haddonfield Preparative Meeting, 1820-1953, include: men’s meeting minutes, 1820-1826; Hicksite men's meeting and joint session minutes, 1848-1953; Orthodox men’s meeting minutes, 1826-1920; Hicksite women's meeting minutes, 1838-1856, 1864-1903; Orthodox women’s meeting minutes, 1884-1917; women’s account books, 1906-1919; Orthodox financial records, 1820-1902.
Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting Records (including Haddonfield and Salem Quarterly Meeting)
Collected papers of Alice P. Hadley and the Thread and Needle Society
Alice C. Paxson Hadley (1857-1919) was the daughter of Frederick and Lydia Betts Paxson, Philadelphia Hicksite Quakers. She was a founding member of the Thread and Needle Society, a social and charitable club of young Friends. Alice kept a diary that recorded events and meetings of the group 1873 to 1880 which were transcribed by her granddaughter, and she collected memorabilia and speeches she presented.
Herbert Hadley FWCC Research Papers
Herbert M. Hadley served as General Secretary of Friends World Committee. He wrote a history of FWCC entitled Quakers World Wide.
Wayne B. Hadley Genealogical Collection
Wayne B. Hadley (1926-2001) was a family historian whose particular interest was in Quaker history and genealogy.This collection includes his extensive files on the history of the Hadley and related families.