Showing Collections: 3231 - 3240 of 5316
National Council of Women of the United States Collected Records
National Council to Repeal the Draft Records
The National Council to Repeal the Draft (NCRD), organized in January 1969, worked to eliminate militaryconscription. Over forty organizations joined forces with NCRD to end the system of compulsory registration, classification, and induction. With a board power base the National Council to Repeal the Draft worked actively to get draft repeal legislation passed in Congress. With the official end of the draft on June 30, 1973, NCRD closed down its Washington operation in July of that year.
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee Collected Records
National Forum Collected Records
Collection includes compiled booklet of charts with explanatory materials.
National Intercollegiate Christian Council Collected Records
National Japanese American Student Relocation Council at Swarthmore College Collection
the collection includes materials related to William, George, and Miyoko Iyoshia all three of whom attended Swarthmore College and were involved with the National Japanese American Student Relocation Council.
National League of Women Voters Collected Records
This National League of Women Voters material is from its Department of International Cooperation to Prevent War which had representation on the National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War.
National Mental Health Foundation Collected Records
Collection consists primarily of printed correspondence and pamphlets.