Showing Collections: 3341 - 3350 of 5329
Newberry Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Newberry Preparative Meeting, 1811, 1935, and n.d. Includes financial and property records 1811, and miscellaneous 1935 and n.d.
Newbold-Fox Family Papers
George Newbold Correspondence
Contains business and family correspondence received by George Newbold.
Mary Ann Newbold commonplace book
The commonplace book of Mary Ann Newbold contains extracts concerning nature, religion, and friendship.
Samuel Newitt journal
Travel journal of Samuel Newitt. Entries detail Newitt's journey to Rhode Island, including descriptions of visits with Friends and attendance at Meetings in various towns in Rhode Island.
Ella Bowles Newlin journal
Excerpts from Ella Bowles Newlin's travel journal from her trip with her husband from Iowa to England, Norway, and Germany. Entries describe the accommodations on board, Newlin's time in England, the voyage to Norway, travel within Norway, and the cultural differences between America and Norway.
Newlin family correspondence
This collection is comprised of the correspondence of the Newlin family. The majority of letters are addressed to Rachel Newlin, written by her brothers, Nicholas and William, and her sister, Hannah Ann Walter. The letters discuss family news, social calls, and events attended, particularly marriages in the Quaker community.
Jehu Newlin photograph album
The photograph album of Jehu Newlin includes portraits of various Quakers, including Charles Wakefield, Foster Green, Jane Newson, Sarah Gibbons, and Theodore Harris.
Jehu Newlin signature album
The signature album of Jehu and Sarah Newlin includes an inscription on the inside cover, which reads: "Jehu and Sarah Newlin, From their friends Susanna Midgley and Martha Carth. Torquay, 3/1/1887." Signatures are accompanied by dates and locations. locations include Torquay; Philadelphia; Damascus, Syria; Ramallah; London; Yorkshire; Alder, Oregon; Newberg, Oregon; Los Angeles, California; Pasadena, California; and Damascus, Ohio.
Thomas and Sarah Newlin Marriage Certificate
This collection contains the marriage certificate of Sarah (Grubb) Newlin (1764-1830) and blacksmith Thomas Newlin (1747-1811), recorded by Caleb Peirce at the 1782 Concord Meeting in Chester, Pennsylvania.