Showing Collections: 3761 - 3770 of 5316
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Meeting House Trusts Granting Group and its predecessors
The Meeting House Trust Funds Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is responsible for the administration of both the Samuel Jeanes Trust Fund and the Charleston Fund. Both funds assist meetings in the acquisition, repair and restoration of meeting houses and their grounds.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Ministry & Care and its predecessors
The Meeting on Worship and Ministry is a gathering of Friends in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting concerned with the spiritual life of the Society, which nurtures and assists Monthly Meetings and individuals with their spiritual and worship concerns.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Miscellaneous Records
Miscellaneous of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Delaware County, PA), 1662-1968, including the records of a great number of its subcommittees.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Mississippi Project (1964-1966)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Nonviolence and Children Committee (1970-2015)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Peace and Concerns Standing Committee (1998-2015)
Records of the Peace and Concerns Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998-2003.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Prison Service Committee (1958-1976)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Quaker Fund for Indigenous Communities and its predecessors (Indian Committee, Friendly Association) (1795- )
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Records Services Group and its predecessors (c. 1887-2005)
Records of the Records Services Group, 1887-1979, include its Minutes () as well as accounts (1931-1978), correspondence () and miscellaneous () especially as relating to the microfilming of records.